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Gender parity is a statistical measure that compares a specific indicator among women with the same indicator among men.

I strongly believe that none of us should be forced to follow precise models dictated by society.

On the contrary, I think that each one of us must follow his or her own intuition and heart to live happy and fulfilled.

In particular, women must become aware of the current lack of equality between men and women in the workplace and must change things.

Have a look at this chart:

Women will have to wait 217 years before they earn as much as men and are equally represented in the workplace! This is ridiculous.

Gender parity is closest in areas of health and education, but significant gaps in economic participation and political empowerment continue to endure across the world.

To give you an overall idea, I’ll show you two more charts featuring the gender employment gap in the EU and the gender pay gap in the US.

OECD=Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

One of the main causes of this phenomenon is motherhood, in fact, the most significant differences appear in this field. Life changes dramatically after the arrival of children and mothers bear more responsibility than fathers because this is the system dictated by society.

When you get back to work after having kids, you have to manage and overcome the unspoken assumptions about how you changed and what you’re able to accomplish. You always have to demonstrate what your current skills are; you have to show that you’re motivated and confirm that your caregiving experience is not a problem from the employer’s point of view. And it always seems to be a war on pernicious stereotypes.

For this reason, many women do not return to work, see for example this chart representing the UK.

But I wonder why I have to choose between work and children. I want to be a mother, and I want my economic independence at the same time, and I want to be professionally fulfilled. Why should I choose?

Working from home for the same company and still following the usual 9-5 hours is not a real option. Shortening hours reduces pressure, but flexitime and home-based jobs offer no real benefits. I tried and failed. I worked for five years as a full-time project manager in a home office, hoping to enjoy my children. It worked for a while, but then the difficulty and complexity of the work and the stress drained me.

Thus I started to search for information, and I discovered the digital marketing, a huge world of opportunities. Digital marketing offers you the opportunity to work independently, to gain your own financial and personal freedom. It provides the possibility to work as many hours as you want and when you want. And above all, it offers the opportunity to live an authentic life, which means (to me) being able to live every day happy and fulfilled, aware that I have the power to manage my TIME, outside the chains imposed by society.

I encourage you to do your research and invest in your training and undertake this journey with me, my mentors, and especially with all those women who want to lead the change.

Make your first step and book the Free Video Series Now to learn more.

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